편도결석 원인 느낌 증상 쉽게 빼는법

Hello. In this session, we will learn how to easily get rid of the feeling of the cause of tonsil stones. * Tonsil stones are foreign substances in the tonsils and are characterized by small chunks of yellow. Even stones are not hard stones like urinary stones or gallbladder stones, but small and soft substances that just easily clump together. So it doesn’t cause serious health problems, but the smell can cause extreme discomfort.* There are several places called tonsil soda in the tonsils that cause tonsil stones, and the structure makes it easier for food debris or bacteria to penetrate there. As such things decompose in an enclosed place, they create an environment where bacteria can reproduce more easily, and various foreign substances accumulate to form tonsil stones. People with rhinitis or sinusitis are more likely to develop it, as the runny nose inside the throat becomes a better environment for bacteria. *Feeling and Symptoms of tonsil stones When you put your hand in your mouth, it can be touched with your fingers, and it can be easily crushed even with a small amount of pressure. However, it is said that the smell does not disappear even after washing your hands for a while after crushing them with your hands. If these things are full in your mouth, of course, the bad breath will worsen, which will inevitably reduce your social life and human relationships. Visually, it looks messy, but it is more noticeable in the dark mouth because it has a bright yellow color. So you can offend others, and you will feel embarrassed to open your mouth wide.So far, I’ve been looking into how to get rid of the symptoms of tonsil stones easily, but if it’s not severe, it can be managed to some extent just by taking care of it by yourself at home. However, if it continues to occur, it’s better to get proper treatment. This is because it is correct for the doctor to remove it with his own eyes, and above all, he can accurately identify the cause and deal with it accordingly. Also, it is important to drink water frequently to prevent, as dry mouth makes bacteria more likely to reproduce. If you always drink a lot of water and make a habit of brushing your teeth right after a meal, it will be very helpful in preventing.

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